A little about me...
Thanks for stopping by! I'm Sarah.
Though San Francisco-born, I have moved five different times and now live with my family in Houston. It has certainly been an adventure, but I am incredibly blessed to have friends all over the globe!
I graduated with Bachelor of Science degrees in Bible/Theology and Counseling from Clarks Summit University, where I also earned my Master of Science in Counseling. I now work as a licensed counselor, and it has been encouraging to see that while counseling was not the plan initially, God has guided every step of the way.
Some things I enjoy are music, reading, and the outdoors, whether gardening, hiking, or taking an early morning walk. I am a fan of classical music, contemporary Christian, and hymns, old and new. I enjoy books, both fiction and nonfiction, and my reading list grows longer every day!
Dwell Deep started as a way to share what God has taught me so far. The name comes from Luke 5:4, where Jesus tells Peter to "Put out into deep water." In faith, Peter listens for the simple reason that Jesus said so. By simple obedience, he not only witnesses a miracle but is personally transformed. I expand on this in one of my first posts.
My prayer is that this would be a platform to proclaim God while helping and encouraging others to trust and pursue Him. Many blogs, articles, and books I read today seem not only self-centered but shallow. My hope is that the time you spend here would be worth it, that each time you join me, you would walk away encouraged. I invite you to come along as we grow in God's grace and learn from Him together.
To speak of the "deeper life" is not to speak of anything deeper than simple New Testament religion… The "deeper life" is deeper only because the average Christian life is tragically shallow.
- A. W. Tozer