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A Fish Tale

A few weeks ago my dad took us fishing on a nearby lake as a birthday gift to one of my sisters. We left mid-morning and met with a local guide, who took us to two or three good spots. Our catch ended up consisting mostly of catfish, and after a few hours we headed back to the marina.

Our fisherman set up a small table, filled a bucket with water, and began cleaning the catfish, separating the fillets and tossing them into the bucket. We watched with interest.

As he cleaned the fish, the guide drew our attention to a brownish-yellowish streak along the edge of the fresh-cut fillets. He explained how we don’t see that in grocery stores, because people would think the meat is old or expired. Honestly, if I saw this coloring in the grocery store, that would be the fish I wouldn’t buy. Yet he showed us—and we were able to see—that this strange coloring is actually a mark of fresh fish. Because of my personal opinion and limited understanding, I would have given up what was best for what I thought was better.

Not until later did it occur to me how because of our ignorance we often mistake the timeless and relevant for the outdated and expired. We mistake what is freshest and best for that which is old and useless.

The Bible I think is the best example of this. Christianity and religion in general, it seems, are perceived as obsolete, and we make a judgment based on limited understanding. Many in our culture seem to view God and biblical spirituality as irrelevant and something of the past, not knowing that it is the cream of the crop.

In our day, we tend to trust our gut, emotion, or experience more than facts and truth, when it is our uninformed opinion that causes many to miss out. Our guide knew the truth; fishing was his business. When we were informed, our perspective changed, and what we would have been repelled or disgusted by suddenly became very valuable. As this new year begins, let us be seekers of truth.


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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