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All the Way My Savior Leads

In Matthew 1:23, we read, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel,” meaning “God with us.” Of all God could have told Mary and Joseph to name His Son, it’s a name that reflects how He relates to us.

The first Adam was supposed to live in perfect harmony with God but blew it. The second Adam made it possible for God again to dwell and commune with us, as He intended, in perfect, holy righteousness.

The following poem reflects and celebrates this. I know it’s after Christmas, but the truth of Immanuel is something we need to be reminded of all year. Christ was born to save His people from their sins. Thirty-three years later, that sacrificial redemption would be complete.

From creation to the cross to eternity, His plan was to be “with us,” and He will lead us all the way to the finish.


There, in the beginning, when the sun was pure and clear,

And the Lord said over creation, “There shall be no evil here,”

He made man in His own likeness, forever with Him to dwell—


Then the deceiving serpent came, with his charm and lie:

“Did God really say?” he asked. “You surely will not die.”

And so with shame and pride, all creation groaned and fell—


Patriarchs, prophets, and priests were chosen for great things.

Yet cowardice plagued even judges, and greed was the downfall of kings.

O when would come this Promised One, all darkness to dispel? Immanuel!

The angel said to Mary: “This babe shall be God’s Son.”

“I am His humble servant,” she said. “Let His will be done.”

And yet His pain and path not even she could foretell—


One day He’d die, burdened and bruised, our Savior faithful and true.

One day He’d pay and cancel our debt; the curtain, tear in two.

And the words “It is finished” would shake the frames of hell—


From the cross He was buried in Joseph’s family grave.

But after three days He rose with might and power to save!

Behold God’s grace and mercy; there is no parallel.


He’s given us His Spirit and Word to mark the way,

His people and His promise to sustain for each new day.

We taste in faith His victory; His love no language can tell—


O let us press on and proclaim the goal of heaven’s prize.

One day we’ll stand before Him; army of God, arise!

One morn shall be our last as we say to earth, “Farewell!”



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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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