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Crucified: I in Christ and Christ in Me

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20

The final stanza of this poem was written this past Easter as I began to better understand the truth of Christ in me. Christianity is not about me striving to live for Christ but letting Christ live in me. The flesh and the Spirit cannot dwell together; one must go. This poem is about denying self, as painful and long and daily as it is, and finding Christ all-sufficient.

Find my name in the obituary,

My stone within the cemetery,

For I have slain my adversary

Near the Rugged Cross.

The execution, deathly slow,

Nailed what only sin can grow,

But it was not quick to go

To the Rugged Cross.

I am no more by sin disgraced

Because the Lord my debt erased,

And it has now been replaced

By the Rugged Cross.

I am restored, remade, renamed;

My degradation another claimed.

Now God forbid I be ashamed

Of the Rugged Cross.

My soul, your grief is temporary,

Your seeming troubles, momentary.

O seek His strength and daily carry

Your own Rugged Cross.

Fear not that you’re (alone) deficient,

For He is gracious and omniscient.

O look within, find Christ sufficient

For your Rugged Cross.


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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