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I was inspired recently to write a poem about how what’s easiest for us may not always be what we were called to or made for. (Grammar police: Please excuse the prepositional endings.)

A ship may be safe in a harbor, but a ship is for the sea. In the words of Grace Hopper, rear admiral of the U.S. Navy and American computer scientist, “A ship in port is safe but that is not what ships are for.”

As Christians, this is where complacency so easily creeps in, when according Proverbs, the complacency of fools will destroy them (Prov. 13:2). We were made for something maybe not safer but greater.

Of course there’s a place for a harbor. In Ecclesiastes, we see there’s a time for everything. There’s a time to labor and toil and a time to rest and prepare. There’s a season for holding nothing back. There are seasons of transition. Of course there’s a place for ports. Maybe it’s taking a family vacation. Maybe it’s Sunday morning.

Whatever the case, we’re on the way; we’ve not arrived. Discipleship is for the long-term. Stop in port, but keep going!

What Ships Are For

Haven of safety from chaos and strife—

This is the harbor, shelter from life.

A place to refuel, stock up, and rest,

A rock for the tired, confused, and oppressed.

Repair what is broken. Mend what is torn;

There’s peace for the heart that is laden and worn.

Share all the stories your letters implied—

Just make sure you go out with the tide.

You’re at home and delighted; brother, beware!

Remember your purpose, and wisely prepare.

Your shift is not over. Your mission, not through.

Remember the work God is calling you to.

He’ll provide for the journey what’s necessary

And guide you to His sanctuary.

A day soon is coming when final shall be

Your work and labor upon the sea.

One day He shall bring you to rest complete

At the Father’s holy seat.

As for the present, persevere.

The end is sure and drawing near.

Seek peacefulness of the heavenly sort—

But ships are not made for the harbor or port.

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.

They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.

Psalm 107:29-30


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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