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Down in Egypt Land

Woe…to those who carry out plans that are not mine…who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge. But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame, Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.

Isaiah 30:1-3

Woe to those who go down to Egypt…who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the Lord.

Isaiah 31:1

Yet again, this poem came from a reading in Isaiah. So much here applies directly to us today and appears to even reflect principles I have learned in counseling. We have made a lie our refuge and “falsehood our hiding place” (28:15). We go to “Egypt’s shade” for comfort, help, security, and protection (30:2), when it leads only to disgrace (30:5).

Naturally, this was convicting. What place of slavery have I fled to? What lie have I sought shelter in? Our natural tendency is to take refuge in the shade of slavery. We hope for safety, when our false shelter brings guilt and disgrace. We can look to God, who provides more than enough and teaches us the right way. His strength and wisdom is what will meet our need.

This focus of this poem is how we run to everything but God, even those things that have proven unfulfilling. Thankfully, it’s never too late to find comfort and rest in Him.

In Egypt’s Strength

Hungry, angry, lonely, tired,

Unsatisfied and uninspired—

The past is depressing; the future is bleak.

The spirit is willing; the flesh is weak.

My desire is good. I whisper a prayer.

I want to do right, but evil is there.

And then in my failure, my hard defeat

Or impossible pain I choose retreat.

I don’t look to faith. I don’t try to be brave.

I go to the thing that has made me a slave.

I go down to Egypt, hoping for aid,

Ignoring or blind to the price I’ve paid:

Fear and guilt, regret and shame.

And I’ve no one but myself to blame.

I look to my feelings and dig my own well.

I think of God’s warning to Israel:

“Woe to you who think you must

In Egypt’s strength and horses trust,

Rely on their power, and hope in their sword

But fail to seek help from the Lord.

You hope in their army and drink from their vine

And carry out plans that are not mine.

You go down to Egypt for solace and shade;

You leave bitter, deceived, unfilled, and afraid.

You seek safety, belonging, a soothing embrace

When Egypt will bring only shame and disgrace.”

I am tempted without; I struggle within.

To find relief from this law of sin!

O who is our answer? Where is our release?

O look to your Savior of triumph and peace!

You’re not condemned. You’re made anew.

Now think on what is right and true—

Who you are and where you stand,

That you belong to another land,

Your life from God’s point of view,

The exciting plans He has for you.

The change in us has just begun

To make us more like God the Son.

Egypt will fall, a coward, a liar.

O follow and trust in your pillar of fire!


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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