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Joy and Happiness

Is there a difference between joy and happiness? I think that depends on the context, the focus, and the foundation. From one standpoint, I see several differences:

Happiness is an emotion. Joy is a choice.

Happiness is self-focused. Joy is God-focused.

Happiness is based on feeling. Joy is based on belief.

Happiness gives us excitement. Joy gives us peace.

Happiness is tied to earthly desire. Joy is tied to eternal desire.

Happiness ends with disappointment. Joy ends with distraction.

Happiness comes from circumstances. Joy comes from a Person.

I have heard it said that joy is happiness that does not depend on what happens. It is rooted in the truth of God (Neh. 8:10). Unlike happiness, joy sustains. Joy strengthens. We are to rejoice always (1 Thess. 5:16). This is not a command to feel right but choose joy even when we are not in a happy situation.

On the other hand, joy and happiness can be used interchangeably. The ESV and NASB translations render Isaiah 52:7 as “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news…of happiness.” Psalm 32:1 uses the common word of “happy” to describe the man whose sins are forgiven. This is happiness rooted in God and His forgiveness, also known as joy.

It is worth noting that there is nothing wrong with happiness. Happiness is a gift we should enjoy and seek to give others. When someone serves us or makes us feel special, or maybe when we receive a gift, we feel happy. God gave us these emotions. The problem comes when happiness (the fleeting feeling) becomes our priority or all-consuming pursuit.

We cannot live for happiness. People will disappoint and hurt us. Our circumstances will change. Our hopes will be dashed. It is all too easy to become absorbed in a happiness-generating substitute instead of the One who is our joy. Living for happiness is falling for a lesser thing. It is here today and gone tomorrow. Only Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and offers that God-centered joy that truly satisfies.

All joy reminds. It is never a possession, always a desire for something longer ago or further away or still “about to be.” - C. S. Lewis


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