The Greatest That Man Can Achieve
This poem was inspired by St. Augustine, who said, “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” The greatest that we can achieve is not increasing our net worth or becoming president. It is not only seeking God but finding Him. Everything else pales in comparison.
Abba, good, none can compare.
You have transformed this slave to heir.
You know every hidden emotion and plea
As the holy Trinity;
Deigning Revealer of Truth profound;
Great Creator of world around
And countless galaxies’ great expanse;
Jealous Lover of first romance;
Sovereign Ruler, always wise,
Whose grandeur I can but surmise;
Faithful God Who does no wrong,
Leading the ransomed in joyful song,
The holy, grateful, redeemed of the Lord,
Cherished, chosen, remade, restored;
My Counselor; Hope; Savior; Defense;
Unblinded Source of competence;
Lord of the valley and of the mountain;
Gracious Owner of deepest fountain;
Giver and heaven’s Glory prized;
Love and loss epitomized;
Eternal One of life’s pursuit
Whose kingship no demon would ever dispute
And mysterious splendor none can conceive.
To find Him, the greatest that man can achieve.