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The Quarry From Which You Were Hewn

This year, my family and I are doing a Bible reading plan with our church. With the Community Bible Reading program (CBR), we cover the Old Testament every three years and the New Testament every year. We read two chapters every weekday, one from each testament, and a Psalm every Saturday. It’s very doable.

A few weeks ago, we read Isaiah 51, and the whole chapter was full of rich truth. As a way to meditate on this, I began “poetrizing” it, or paraphrasing it in rhyme. This helps me to see the words in a new light as well as identify key themes, such as the salvation of the Lord, deliverance, righteousness, or joy.

The title for this one comes from the hope we see throughout and God’s great patience. May you be blessed by these words as much as I have been!

A Message of Promise

“Listen to Me, you objects of grace—

Who seek the Lord in His holy place,

Who trust His salvation is certain and soon—

Look to the quarry from which you were hewn,

To Abraham, head of the hope of the earth,

To Sarah, your mother, who gave you birth.

They followed by faith without hesitation.

I called, he was one; I made him a nation.

I’ll bring comfort to those I didn’t ignore

And make their desert like before—

Rich and pure and holy ground,

Where joy and gladness can be found,

Where there’s thankfulness and you belong

Worshiping the Lord in song.

Listen, My people. Learn what is right.

My justice will become a light.

O My nation, incline your ear.

My righteousness is drawing near,

My might and mercy on display. My salvation is on the way.

Look at the heavens. Know and hear:

What you see will disappear.

What seems so real is brief and frail.

My righteousness will never fail.

Hear Me, you who know what’s right—

Who walk by faith and not by sight—

Seek the wisdom I impart

And hide My law within your heart.

Do not fear the wrath of men.

What matters is not now but then.

One day their insults shall have passed,

Yet My righteousness will last.”

We stand delivered, honored, awed—

Clothe Yourself with strength, O God!

Was it not You who split the sea

To lead the redeemed, happy and free?

The ransomed of God, bold as a lion,

With singing and peace will return to Zion.

Gladness and joy will mark that day,

And sorrow and sighing will flee away.

“I am your Comforter, faithful and true.

I’ll keep the promise I made to you.

The world, it is fickle. All men are like grass.

That which is valued and treasured will pass.

I am your Maker, the Lord of creation,

The One who laid the earth’s foundation.

Why do you worship and fear what is lesser? Where is the wrath of this hostile oppressor?

Look now to what the world will be;

The cowering captives will be set free.

They will not die or lack for bread. Lasting joy will crown their head.

I am the Lord, who churns up the sea.

Why, O mortal, question Me?

Who can tame it and make it roar?

In Me you won’t be wanting more.

Fear not, for whether night or day,

I have taught you what to say.

Don’t worry you don’t understand;

I have held you in My hand.

I who have set the heavens in place

Shall be your Defender, not your disgrace.

The glory of heaven and earth is the sign:

Hear, My beloved: You ransomed are mine.

You’re no longer exiles, always to roam.

I’ve made you My own; now make Me your home.”


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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