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The Sound of Silence

In 1964, Simon & Garfunkel released “The Sound of Silence.” I first learned this song from my music teacher, and it sparked some great discussion.

At one point I remarked how the first line (“Hello darkness, my old friend”) reminded me of Psalm 88:18: “You have taken from me friend and neighbor—darkness is my closest friend.” We both found that interesting.

This poem was partly the outcome of that conversation. After hearing a message on Psalm 42, I began to think more about how we all preach to ourselves. We all have that inner monologue going, or self-talk. We all retreat to something.

Psalm 42:5 declares, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” In other words, in spite of everything, I will preach to myself what is true. I will preach hope.

Near the end of the poem is a reference to Revelation 1:16, where Jesus is holding in His right hand “seven stars.” On Roman coins, seven stars has been said to indicate sovereignty. The point here is that of all we could be telling ourselves, with all that’s life-taking, let’s preach to ourselves a living hope.


O Darkness! Hail, my closest friend!

On thee I am now leaning.

I fear thee, Death, my hateful end,

Destroyer of my meaning.

Thirsty, tired, mourning, pining,

Questioning, alone—

At empty tables I am dining

And despair enthrone.

Soul, O put thy hope in God!

For what else should thee reach?

Forsake thine own deceit and fraud

And challenge what you preach.

What is your greatest news? Do tell!

What grace you have ignored:

You contemplate the tales of hell

And ridicule your Lord.

O hope in God, my sorrowed soul;

His promises are sure.

He who is has made thee whole,

Thy destiny secure.

You ever shall have cause to praise.

Cease tending to thy lies.

Think on the light of future days:

The One who satisfies.

In glory, goodness unsurpassed

Is the Lord now seated—

The one and only First and Last,

The final foe defeated.

The day that heaven shall be ours

No mind can e’er determine.

The sovereign King of seven stars—

Let Him be thy sermon.


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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