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The Last Election

As I considered the chaos of this year and presidential race, I was reminded one morning that when Jesus comes to power, He will reign and govern with absolute authority. His time is coming. Only God knows when “Election Day” will be, but what we do know is that the time for “campaigning” is short. There is no third-party option; we are either for or against Him. For us as Christians, while the immediate future may be uncertain, ultimately our hope does not hinge on who is sworn in as president but on the perfect Candidate who won’t disappoint.

I hope this poem both inspires you and encourages you to look to the One who will fulfill every campaign promise!


For those who didn’t know, our country’s been divided.

Uncertainty persists. News is all one-sided.

But might I remind you Who one day will reign

And isn’t at the mercy of a poorly-run campaign?

His victory is sure. We believe what He promotes,

And we won’t have to worry about counting all the votes.

He’ll be the perfect candidate—just and tough on crime

And strong and understanding until the end of time.

He vindicates the innocent. He defends the poor and meek.

You want to see a rally? He has one every week.

He’ll keep all His promises because His Word is true.

You want His stance on healthcare? He’ll make all things new!

When He takes up office, He’ll rule everything

And won’t need foreign policy because He’ll be the King.

There are problems in our world that only He can fix,

Ills that can’t be solved by the god of politics.

The new heaven and new earth will be a masterpiece.

Forget about the world; there’ll be eternal peace.

When He takes the oath, you won’t need cable news.

Everyone will see Who God resolved to choose.

You won’t be able to complain of bribery or fraud;

The outcome was decided by the providence of God.

Government will disappoint. Losses will be hard,

But Jesus will not need the signage in your yard.

We’re on the winning side if we trust His perfect Word.

His election doesn’t hinge on who won November third.

While not unimportant is this presidential race,

We go to another country and hail from another place.

Yes, there may be chaos and challenges aplenty,

But God will still be sovereign on January twenty.


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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