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Wanted: Someone

One day I was working on one of my classes, and my sister commented while coming up the stairs, “Someone needs to do the laundry.”

Bing! An idea was born.

Someone is practically invisible, but the world would collapse without him. Maybe there’s a Someone at your house. Maybe you have several. If so, that’s a blessing.

The following is my tribute to Someone, while we all strive to be like him.

Someone Is Needed

Wanted! Wanted! Someone is needed!

He must have run off, though for how he is treated

I don’t blame him much, for he’s never free,

And the work he does no one seems to see.

Someone’s needed to make the bed,

Wash the linens, bake the bread,

Put the clothes into the dryer,

Hang the mirror two feet higher,

Cut the grass, rake the leaves,

Protect the home from mold and thieves,

Tend the garden, control the ants,

Mend the hole in someone’s pants,

Change the water in someone’s vase,

Take out the ash in the fireplace,

Call the plumber, fold the clothes—

All Someone does God only knows.

These noble things we cannot miss,

But Someone’s needed for more than this.

Someone must speak, though he is scared,

For how will they hear if the truth is not shared? Wanted! Wanted! Someone is needed

Where grace is unheard-of, and truth is unheeded.

The simple are swindled. The weak are untended,

When heaven, not hell, is walled and defended.

To whom shall the pained and lost ones go

To preach, console, equip, and sow?

Holding the ropes or at the front lines,

Someone to go where God assigns.

Someone waits while the need is great,

And someday it will be too late.

Someone’s gift, Someone’s skill—

If we don’t go to these, who will?

If not now, when? If not us, who?

Where might God be calling you?

Where no one is just, and evil pursues,

To declare to the poor good news,

To bind up the broken and freedom proclaim

And to the prisoners say the same?

Darkness is gone; the veil is torn.

Comfort has come for those who mourn.

A crown of beauty they shall wear

And a garment of praise, not despair.

To whom will God say, “Mission completed”?

To Anyone who goes where Someone is needed—

At school, at home, at work, abroad—

Serving in strength, working for God.

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

Mother Theresa

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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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