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What God Will Not Give Us

The idea behind this poem is that while God has given us much, there is yet one thing He has not given us.

Some friends and I recently spent an afternoon at the mall with the intention of having some deep, spiritual conversations. There were only four of us, but as we listened to each other’s stories, I found myself burdened even more. My eyes increasingly became open to the people around me who were likely not headed for heaven.

While I wrote this poem several months beforehand, it reminded me of the importance of not just talking but doing. That may look different for different people. The point is this: We are not just to be talkers of the Word but doers (Jas. 1:22).

God has given us everything we need to live a life of godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). One thing He has not given us.

What God Will Not Give Us

O the gifts that God has given:

A Christian assurance that we are forgiven,

A Christian hope we can’t ignore,

A Christian mission we hadn’t before,

A Christian truth that reigns supreme,

A Christian faith and a Christian dream,

A Christian race and a Christian prize,

A Christian peace that unifies,

A Christian message we long to share,

An invitation to Christian prayer,

A Christian vision, and love profuse.

One thing we lack: a Christian excuse.


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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