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What the Devil Says

Recently, it occurred to me while reading through Isaiah all of the “I wills” in Scripture—and who says them.

In Isaiah 14, while the prophet refers more immediately to the king of Babylon, in another sense, he seems to point to the devil. Once Satan was prominent, bright, and characterized by the glory of the morning. Then came the five “I wills”: “I will ascend to the heavens.” “I will raise my throne. “I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds. “I will make myself like the Most High.” He would rather, in the words of John Milton, “reign in hell, than serve in heaven.” And he said it all in his heart (v. 13).

On the contrary, the Bible includes numerous “I wills” that are promises of God. I could never list them all here; there are dozens in Isaiah alone. Consider the “I wills” just in Psalm 91:14-16: “‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.’”

Satan speaks arrogantly about rising to a place that belongs to God. Meanwhile, God speaks about rescuing and defending a people who do not deserve freedom or attention (Ex. 6:6-8). The ambition of Satan’s heart seeks a kingdom built on ruthlessness, deceit, and death. In the words of Billy Sunday, the highest reward he can offer for being his servant is hell. God’s promises, however, are echoes of hope, belonging, deliverance, and peace.

So, what will we do with this? Will we say any of the following “I wills” in response?

  • I will not fear” (Ps. 3:6).

  • I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness” (Ps. 7:17).

  • I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me” (Ps. 13:6).

  • I will sacrifice with shouts of joy” (Ps. 27:6).

  • “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord” (Ps. 32:5).

  • “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin” (Ps. 39:1a).

  • I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings” (Ps. 57:1b).

  • I will be fully satisfied” (Ps. 63:5).

  • I will tell of all your deeds” (Ps. 73:28).

  • I will listen to what God the Lord says” (Ps. 85:8a).

  • I will walk about in freedom” (Ps. 119:45).

Satan first spoke in his heart. Hopefully, our hearts repeat, “Seek his face!” and cry, “Your face, Lord, I will seek” (Ps. 27:8), or say as in another place, Not as I will, but as you will” (Matt. 26:39).

During weddings, instead of “I do,” I sometimes hear, “I will,” for such is the language of commitment, marriage, and promise. God does not say, “I could” or “I might.” He has covenanted with us and proven it by the blood of His Son. May we take the final step and reply “I will” to Him, not in a spirit of devilish ambition but in grateful humility.

I Will 

“I will raise my throne above the stars of light [Is. 14:13].

I will sit in stolen glory upon the sacred height.

I will make myself Almighty beyond the highest cloud” [Is. 14:14],

He cries in cruel defiance, commander of the proud.

“Behold in me the morning star, son of the shining dawn,

Corrupter of the Garden, king of Babylon,

Distorter and deceiver who comes to steal and kill [Jn. 10:10].

Behold me in the godless heart who saith thus, ‘I will.’”


“I will give to you a future you do not understand [1 Cor. 2:9].

I will faithfully uphold you with My righteous hand [Is. 41:10].

I will be ever with you when you pass through violent waters [Is. 43:2].

I will be your Father—and you, My sons and daughters [2 Cor. 6:18].

I will come in justice and a bruised reed will not break [Is. 42:3].

I will guide the blind on unknown paths [Is. 42:16] and an offering make [Is. 53:10].

I will gladly give you cattle on the thousandth hill [Ps. 50:10].

Behold nothing but your good when I say, ‘I will’” [Ps. 84:11].

“I will praise the Lord in thankfulness and exalt the Name [Is. 25:1]

Of Him who for the brokenhearted and the prisoner came [Is. 61:1].

I will not fear the thousands that assail me on each side [Ps. 3:6];

My eyes behold the army that blinded Aram’s pride [2 Ki. 6:17-18, Ps. 27:3].

I will praise the Lord who counsels me with a newfound hymn [Ps. 16:7a]

And when I see His face will be satisfied in Him [Ps. 17:15].

Make known to me the path of life and in Your presence fill

Me with the joy that belongs to those who say, ‘I will’” [Ps. 16:11].


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Hello! I'm Sarah.


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